Oil Painting Supply List
Skill Level: Intermediate / Advanced
Brushes: Any good oil bristle brushes. I use mostly Flat's or Filberts, sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
Paints: I use Titanium White (big tube), lemon yellow, cad yellow, yellow ochre, orange, medium red, permanent alizarin crimson, burnt umber, thalo green, ultramarine blue, and black.
Palette: Either a hand-held wooden one, or glass palette. Mine is double-strength glass, around 15 x 20", or whatever fits in your carrying case. You’ll need a metal razor- blade scrapper for cleaning glass palette, and a roll of paper towels to keep brushes clean, and a Palette knife (the longer, beveled kind) for mixing colors on palette.
Mediums: I use odorless Turpenoid for cleaning my brushes, and walnut oil as a medium to keep paint smooth and brushable (the Liquin brand is another fine medium).
I have two separate glass containers containing turpenoid; one for cleaning the brushes and another, cleaner mixture, for painting with. "Silicoils" are great as brush-cleaning jars. A small glass jar is good for storing the walnut oil or Liquin in.
Canvas: smallest: 16 x 20" or largest: up to 20 x 30". Primed Masonite panels are fine, too. (At least 1 per day)
Sketchbook and Newsprint pads: the sketchbook for drawing lessons and taking notes. Also, bring a smooth surface, 12 x 18 Newsprint pad. You’ll need 3-B charcoal pencils, kneaded erasure, and razor blade (for sharpening pencils).