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Orion 2015-2020 Blank Sketchbook (color)

Orion 2015-2020 Blank Sketchbook (color)

Regular price $ 249.99 USD
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We had 10 books remaining from our 2015-2020 blank sketchbook covers so Steve is drawing on them and we are offering them here for you!  


This is our 10th sketchbook.  We skipped 2015-2019  due to a death in the family and medical issues.  We created this sketchbook to span the missing 5 years!


Anyone who has ever ordered from us knows we care about the quality.  This is not a "kinkos" handmade sketchbook.  All our books (and everything we do) is top quality, professionally printed, thick stock, archival safe and we spend thousands on sturdy shipping containers, mailers, tubes, and packing to get those items to you safely.  If something arrives damaged we will replace it on request.  Back us and support quality and high standards.

The book is 176 pages and includes a little bit of everything.  Commission sketches, painted works, instructional drawings and pages from his private sketchbooks.

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