50 Best Comic Covers of 2018
(Above - #1 of 50, Action Comics #1004)
Whoa whoa whoa, Paste—didn’t you just post the Best Comic Book Covers of December 2018 a few days ago? Yes, we did, incredulous hypothetical reader, and now we’re closing out the year with a roundup of our 50 favorite comic covers of the whole dang prior 12 months. If you regularly follow our monthly galleries, you’ll see some familiar names: Jenny Frison, Joshua Middleton and Karl Kerschl all claim multiple spots on this retrospective, and repeat offenders like Nick Robles, Sachin Teng, Steve Rude and Dave McKean each manage to edge out dozens of other artists for placement here. A few covers that didn’t appear on the monthly galleries have muscled their way into this final roundup—think of it as making up for past oversights. Narrowing down just 50 covers to represent 2018 was a cruel, cruel task, but we hope you’ll agree that these works of art represent some of the best of the best from the last 52 weeks.
(Below - #2 of 50, Action Comics #1000)